Podcast Unlocked

We sneak in 12 bold Xbox One predictions for 2014 before January ends, including thoughts on Minecraft, Halo, Elder Scrolls Online, and more. Plus: the Titanfall beta is confirmed, our take on the big Gears of War acquisition news, and good news for 1 vs. 100 fans.

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_130.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 8:56pm EDT

Lionhead is reportedly working on non-Fable things. Do we even want them to go back to Fable after Legends? Plus: the (good) possibility of a Titanfall open beta, why Xbox One's holiday sales mean a price drop or Kinect-free version probably aren't happening anytime soon, the return of Tetris, an Xbox exclusive gets delayed, and more!

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_129.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT

With IGN's 2013 Game of the Year out of the bag, we go over our own personal ballots, including our Xbox One and Xbox 360 votes. In the news, we discuss the future of the Xbox as a platform and what Microsoft's Phil Spencer has to say about it, the is-it-really-that-great return of RBI Baseball, and why Xbox fans should expect plenty more State of Decay in the future.

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_128.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 9:15pm EDT

Happy New Year! Much to discuss in our first show of 2014, including outrage over Titanfall's 12-player limit, three big new first-person game announcements, the end of the Burnout era as we know it, if Xbox One can succeed in China, what we played over the holiday break, and more!

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_127.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 9:49pm EDT